Under City Lights
by Rare FM
Under City Lights is UCL’s music magazine. As part of Rare FM, UnCL aims to explore new and old releases, spanning all genres, and platforming all voices. Expect reviews, interviews, gig photography and more…
Editor’s Note - Leo
Thanks for taking the time to read Under City Lights.
Last year, I discovered music journalism whilst on exchange at the University of British Columbia, and loved it straight away. For me, it provided both a creative outlet that I was desperately missing and an always welcome opportunity to talk about music, which is what I spend half my time talking about anyway.
Over the next year, I’m hoping we can help as many likeminded individuals as we can to get involved and write about music they love. We’re so privileged to be in such a hugely culturally relevant city, particularly in relation to music, and I really hope we’re able to reflect that this year in our magazine. I’m very grateful to have been elected as co-editor for 2024/25, and I can’t wait to get started.
Best wishes,
Editor’s Note - Karina
I am honoured to be able to play a part in bringing together uncl this year; It’s such a privilege to be a part of a community like this that allows us to share our love for music with each other and exist in a space that is ever growing and changing whilst never losing its heart of creative freedom and expression. Music started as a form of escapism for me, and then became a creative outlet, and soon after became so much more as I discovered my space within it.
I hope that all of you discover this love like I did (if you haven’t already!) and together we can create something incredible. I’m looking forward to working with all of you to make this magazine a success.
Lots of love,
Karina <3
Rare FM 2023-2024, Under City Lights 1st Edition PDF File:
Newly Published:
(Click on the titles to view the whole piece)
Local Roots, Global Reach: A Conversation With We Three
Written by Christina Atalla
Photos by Ciara O’Malley
Photo Gallery
Julien Baker at EartH Hackney, 17/11/24,
Magdalena Bay at Outernet, 18/11/24
By Léa Faivre
In the moment
By Mary Connolly
Cemetery Sun at Camden Assembly w/ opener Gürl
By Ciara O’Malley

Opener Kean Kavanagh Pics at Henry Earnest Concert
By Ciara O’Malley

Corsica Studios EMS Takeover
By M. Sedef Kalkavan

We Three at Koko
By Ciara O’Malley

New Releases
At UCL and want to get involved?
Get into contact with the editors via email or instagram:
Email: leo.mcgurk.21@ucl.ac.uk
Instagram: @leomcgurk
Email: karina.rajan.22@ucl.ac.uk
Instagram: @karinarajan